2. IMS Research, The World Market for Water Meters – 2011.This marketreport is available by subscription.
There are, however, many commentaries about it on the web.If you do not have the report itself, see, Water World, “Smart water meter market analyzed in new report,” and the commentary:“By the end of 2016, the global installed base of advanced electricity meters is expected to double, according to a new market study from IMS Research, part of IHS Inc., titled The World Market for Smart Electricity Meters – 2012 Edition.This is forecast to propel the installed base of communicatingmeters to almost 35 percent penetration globally.”http://www.waterworld.com/articl ... t-analyzed.html.See also M2M World News, “Smart Water Meter Market Update,” for “The advanced water metering market, estimated at about 5.5 million global shipments in 2010, and anticipated to be roughly 10 million shipments annually in 2016, continues to increase its product share, particularly in North America.See more at:http://m2mworldnews.com/2011/11/ ... thash.7j8dKtq4.dpuf .